Heineken Zero is a non-alcoholic lager brewed with a unique recipe for a distinct balanced taste. Heineken 0.0 is twice brewed and fermented with Heineken's unique A-yeast from natural ingredients with gentle alcohol removal and blending to achieve a fruity flavour and slight malty notes.
![Heineken 0.0 Non Alcoholic Lager Bottle 330mL - Harry's Liquor](http://www.harrysliquor.com.au/cdn/shop/products/heineken-0-0-non-alcoholic-lager-bottle-330ml-harry-s-liquor-1.jpg?v=1676501554&width=2400)
![Heineken 0.0 Non Alcoholic Lager Bottle 330mL - Harry's Liquor](http://www.harrysliquor.com.au/cdn/shop/products/heineken-0-0-non-alcoholic-lager-bottle-330ml-harry-s-liquor-2.jpg?v=1676501557&width=2400)
Heineken 0.0 Non Alcoholic Lager Bottle 330mL
Heineken 0.0 Non Alcoholic Lager Bottle 330mL
Harry's Liquor Schofields
103 Railway Terrace
Schofields NSW 2762